The first annual meeting of ENOUGH has successfully been conducted in the beautiful city of Trondheim (Norway) during two fruitful exchange days 16-17 June 2022
The event was organised by the project coordinator SINTEF Ocean, gathering 64 persons representing the 28 project partners (50 onsite and 14 online). The meeting program covered the status of the 11 work packages, group discussions and presentations with specialized topics.
During the first day, the work package (WP) leaders presented the work achieved so far and outlined the next milestones and interactions, with a special emphasis on the demonstration sites WP which has as a core strategy for GHG reduction through optimisation of energy flows, sustainable fluids and materials, energy efficiency and improved preservation conditions (reducing food waste). Until the date, the project has identified 17 demos covering the different commodities and food chain sectors. Partners have reported 8 demos under investigation (some with preliminary results) while 9 are to be initiated by the end of 2022 (visit this page for an overview about the identified demonstration sites, please note that this page is continuously updated).
Partners had also a discussion about the new possible demonstration sites. In addition, brainstorming group discussions were held the first day, where partners were split into four groups trying to identify the links and interaction between their respective WPs. Discussions were also addressing the collaboration with other projects, new demonstrators, and how to perform practise abstract for the project. A demo site visit for the 150°C steam production heat pump in NTNU lab was also arranged where the prototype was presented to all partners. The tour also included an enriching tour into the lab explaining the different available clean refrigeration test rigs in NTNU and SINTEF lab.
On the second day, more specialized presentations were performed addressing the different available tools to make ENOUGH results “as open as possible and as close as necessary”: the data management plan (including the selection of the repository), interaction of the advisory board and how they can help with the exploitation of the project results, the public engagement plan (how to involve the general public), Intellectual property rights and how we could make a good use of other EU project and create impact.
During these two days “get-together meeting”, partners had the opportunity to get to know each other after a whole year of virtual communication and mainly the project kick-off has been organised online due to the sanitary situation. Team building through social event activities have efficiently led to establish a nice exchange and good communication between partners. Participants were positive and eager to continue the work within the project.
The ENOUGH team will work hard to provide many results, which will be shared in the next annual meeting and on the website, don’t forget to share the address with your colleagues!