The ENOUGH project has joined efforts to call for rigorous food waste reduction measures in Europe. We have revised and endorsed the ZeroW project’s statement about a crucial revision of the Waste Framework Directive (WFD).
The Directive is currently under discussion within the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) Committee of the European Parliament and we believe research projects have a central role to play in synergically supporting food waste policies.
The endorsement demonstrates the strong commitment of EU research projects (ZeroW, ENOUGH, AGRO2Circular, ClieNFarms, and PestNu) to tackle food waste issues and support a sustainable and efficient policy framework in the European Union.
As a take away point, setting a 50% reduction target in the whole food supply chain, along with harmonised methodologies and measurement, and other initiatives are key to achieving a sustainable food system in Europe.
For more information, please read the document, downloadable on the ZeroW website.
This joint Statement on Food Waste Reduction was created by ZeroW & SISTERS, and endorsed by the Agro2Circular, ClieNFarms, ENOUGH and PestNu projects.