Several partners from the ENOUGH project were present at the 37th EFFoST International Conference 2023 in Valencia this week. The European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST) arranged a very interesting conference where researchers, scientists, policymakers, and students presented the latest developments within the field of food science. We gained new knowledge and inspiration to continue our work with reducing emissions from the food sector.
The ENOUGH project arranged a special session in the conference to showcase some of our latest findings in the project. The session started with introducing the importance of emissions reduction in the food chain and the Farm to Fork strategy of the European Green Deal. Next, the estimation of the energy demand and emissions of cold storages in UK for 2019 using the bottom-up model was presented. Our demonstrators were also presented, especially focusing on brine freezing, dynamic controlled atmosphere storage and vacuum freezing. Lastly, our work on policies was presented discussing policy gaps and feasible policy interventions in the European food value chain.
We also arranged a dedicated workshop about policy solutions for a sustainable, healthy and safe food system. This was held for a selected focus group consisting of experts with backgrounds form both science and industry. The workshop gained valuable insights to be used further in the work of designing policy measures that concern the food value chain to facilitate the achievement of the zero-carbon emissions target by 2050.
The conference also had exceptional poster sessions, where ENOUGH contributed with a poster with the title “Could Consumers Environmental Perceptions Transform Food Systems?” Several participants came by to discuss this interesting topic.