ENOUGH at the 37th EFFoST International Conference 2023

Several partners from the ENOUGH project were present at the 37th EFFoST International Conference 2023 in Valencia this week. The European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST) arranged a very interesting conference where researchers, scientists, policymakers, and students presented the latest developments within the field of food science. We gained new knowledge and inspiration…

New ENOUGH’s scientific outcomes and political appraisals are available.

The recently published project’s deliverables consist of a comprehensive analysis of the European food supply chain (FSC) and its journey towards its objective of achieving net-zero emissions. A Policy Brief on recommendations to decarbonize the European FSC points to the necessity of all FSC stages, from food production to waste management, to promote the phase-out of fossil fuel…

ENOUGH Second Annual Meeting in Padova

The second ENOUGH annual meeting took place from 27th to 29th June 2023 in Padova (Italy). The event was arranged by the Italian partner CNR-ITC with the assistance of the project coordinator SINTEF Ocean. The event brought together representatives from each project partner. The meeting included updates on the review meeting in Brussels, reported progress…

ENOUGH at pre-COP Energy Day

The 15th of June, the Energy Day took place at the University of Birmingham, Dubai Campus. Dr. Xinfang Wang, member of the UKERC Research Committee, was invited to make a presentation about multi-vector energy storage, the Masdar Institute Solar Platform and the center for sustainable cooling. She also took the opportunity to present ENOUGH. The…



Silvia Minetto and Judith Evans attended the recent Euroshop trade fair to present the ENOUGH project attendees. The fair in Dusseldorf ran from February 26 to March 02 and is the premier event for manufacturers of supermarket refrigeration equipment to display their equipment to buyers. The fair attracted companies and visitors from across the World.…